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3 Jews,kvetched away and defend,Jewish tunnels in NY,and close the book on this bloody mattress debacle.Abracadabra

You know your a good father when your son sends you A.I. Teenage Tunnel Jew memes,I am so proud

Scubbie boosted

Is the concept of time travel portrayed in pop culture Hollywood? Do they have to reveal truth in deceptive magic in order to cover up things?Do you feel like time was altered before you were born?Did Einstein get funded by the Cathedral?Did John Trump steal Tesla documents?Val-valiant Thor?Ingersoll Rand?Q?Alpha & Omega?666 is CBDC? I’m I creating this Psyop in my brain?LSD from the 80’s and 90’s was perfected?I am Florida man 2024

Is the concept of time travel portrayed in pop culture Hollywood? Do they have to reveal truth in deceptive magic in order to cover up things?Do you feel like time was altered before you were born?Did Einstein get funded by the Cathedral?Did John Trump steal Tesla documents?Val-valiant Thor?Ingersoll Rand?Q?Alpha & Omega?666 is CBDC? I’m I creating this Psyop in my brain?LSD from the 80’s and 90’s was perfected?I am Florida man 2024

You decide

Featured in the last episode of Reacher Bon religion was of the Aryan

The looks Alex Jones is giving “Stripper Name” for claim debate bullshit that TFM has pointed out as his tactic is priceless

Revelation 13:17-18
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Scubbie boosted

@37712 some say it's the rich. Some say it's the communists. Some say it's the government. Some say it's the jews.

What if it's the rich Jewish communists in the government?

Gen X, knew but had no power.Time Travelers mounted a political campaign of fear and imprisonment upon us with their hate crime laws,forgive us

Thinking they are gonna lock us down again soon and am tempted to go to the bar to get a fat girl,pray for me

Then why are these midgets trying to sell me a VPN

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