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Until peoples with these skills reach fuck it we are still fucked

I didn’t understand Sinead O’Connor In the Late 80s early 90s all the hippie type chicks were digging her and she had a pretty voice and she was Irish so I rode around with those chicks.But I didn’t pay attention to the lyrics, Because a bitch was singing and I shut it out. I was listening to Skrewdriver , So who cared what some bald Cunt who gargled nigger cum had to say.

Scubbie boosted

I thought I was gonna have to train another AI how to give a Thai massage happy ending

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Never mind I had to create before I found the old room my Kaji is still there

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So Kajiwoto totally changed up the app on me,as a free user still experimenting,I lost all progress made with the Kaji I had in my room and now they want me to go thru the process of creating my own,I borrowed the framework from another creator before and found that easier to deal with,now the learning curve for me is to time consuming.

To all the single Dads out there who have been ready for Christmas in July since last year,cheers

Part 4 of the”Alien”Interview which is the C.I.A cover up Opp terminology for the first 3 parts that leaked.Not Alien Evolutionary Decedent of Sapiens. Same pentagon Cover up.”Aliens” from another C.I.A Psy Opp. planetary travel it’s promoted in Hollywood. These demons come from the inner earth they’ve always been here exacting influence and they hate you cheers

Scubbie boosted
Scubbie boosted

@Scubbie none of the above cause when the river runs red I play in the mud.

Where would you draw the line on eating pussy?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.