This popped in my recommended video from 4 years ago Prince Alastor this gets personal TFM rebuttal to His fallout with he who shall not be named This based shit dropped in my recommended from 5 years ago never subed this guy
I think that the monkey monkey book club was good for Shogun because TFM taught him how to read and he could participate more with his black pill,now he just lurks.
Another Monkey Monkey’s book review video am I the only one able to watch these?
@Tfmonkey’s YouTube channel is popping out videos again not just sex toy reviews into my recommended feed from 4 years ago monkeynomics 101 but when I go to the channel only sex toy videos something strange with the algorithms may have unlocked your old vids for viewing again
You tube “recommended” been linking obscure interviews with TFM from like 4 to 8 years ago the latest is Cafe des Hommes some French fuck head,should I be concerned that Halsey has been talking to an agency that considers MGTOW a hate group and rhymes with JDL?Any one else follow the sat show on Blue state survivalist experience this?I came for the sex toy reviews on TFM’s YouTube,but stay for the anti semitism on the Hasidic Jews Survival show.
South American liberal leaders calling for war crimes against Israel,will the Palestinians refugees wind up in South America
Scientific approach
Strap yourself in and get some popcorn the Antarctic Germans and the Cabals secret war for technology and deals with immortals
I learn about Yangon,Myanmar from Phoo, Two years ago, Burma's military regime usurped power from a democratically elected government – blatantly rejecting the will of Burma's people,(propaganda)setting the country on a disastrous path that has killed and displaced thousands, reversing the hard-fought democratic progress achieved over the last decade,we could learn a lot from Phoo’s country when they steal elections the military steps in
The Jews gave Trump shoes
Over 30,000 of the switches were reported to be illegally on Chicago streets years ago
Danger, nightmare
Doomsday, nightmare
Murder, nightmare
Nightmare, nightmare
They'll fuck with me subliminally
Die zeit der langen weile bis zum grossen bums