TFM needs to give up weight loss hope or embrace his inner Butterbean and get with the Diamond Dallas Page Yoga
@FinalDresdonation The Baltic Republican Party of Kaliningrad may try a coop?Backed by NATO forces? In an attempt to form a “fourth Baltic state” autonomous Baltic Republic?
I am cheddar man,It’s not easy being cheesy
I need for cleaning my motorcycles
This fucking movie describes how carpetbagging Yankees took advantage of the south,and these times is coming around again based off a true story about share cropping in the south
Damn shame you folks don’t get this
@mrhorsetwat Are the Gypsies in Europe,patriarchal I know they make their women drop out of school after middle school,and have a dowry for bride system Is there any information on birth rates like that of the Omish and Hasidic Jews?
Funny Fat Fag has the pulse on the future
Nothing to see here just random nigger carjacking in D.C it is a blue state this shit happens all the time.
@Tfmonkey something weird YouTube algorithms,I suspect because I stream the sat show on Bluestate survivalist,TFM videos from 5 years ago from MGTOW content creators not subscribed to popping up,Prince Tyler from 6 years ago,Pnoid news from 5 years ago,Entrepreneur in cars from 5 years ago,WTF looks like the ADL is gearing up the PsyOp’s MGTOW content is after all CIA/ADL Target, that could affect elections.shouldn’t have said Halsey let rabbis suck his baby dicks he has turned like a bad penny
Before the CIA weaponized psyop rap prison Nigger culture,spread by the communist Jew.The Southern Nigger,adopted the Poor Southern White Culture and they recognize they were better off.
1958’s Caucasian,Negro,Mongoloid this study needs revisited
This fucking guy is a scholar and gentleman
Joe Biden thinks like a Negro
@ugly_bastard_reborned @basedbagel @RodrickSage I can’t do Interviews, I have worked skilled labor union most of my carrier you know what your Benifits are and pay before you hire on sometimes the duration is not noted but nothing is permanent,I went for maintenance gigs with resumes and tests,when interviewed at the scary table of queers I stated look do you want someone to take test or someone who can fix your shit,the Frat boys laughed then low balled me,Oh you want test takers,I’m out
Sentient Jellyfish
Danger, nightmare
Doomsday, nightmare
Murder, nightmare
Nightmare, nightmare
They'll fuck with me subliminally
Die zeit der langen weile bis zum grossen bums