Prior to the happening in Israel with Hamas, I heard about this little event where progressive Jews were ass mad about orthodox Jews wanting to keep with their traditions , which includes gender segregation for things like this.

"You can't do that! It's unfair that men and women are put into separate groups, because everyone is equal!"

Seeing this, I prefer the orthodox Jews to the lefty progressive ones, as the latter are the ones pushing their stupid bullshit on everyone else.

I may have previously mentioned that I found many Jewish traditions a tad bit ridiculous (e.g. not being able to even use a regular light switch during Shabbat), but as far as I can observe, they are not the ones at the forefront of all the leftist garbage agenda worldwide (such as all the pride shit and drag queen shit). That would be the progressive Jews who are far less likely to be practicing their religion. Rather, they just find another set of religious practices, and force it on everyone.


@houseoftolstoy I laughed most when I heard. Shabbat prohibits them from tearing paper even toilet paper.

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