People see business owners the way women see men.

They only see the top 20% and ignore everyone else and it's so frustrating.

So I feel the need to set the record straight as I've been in business for almost a year.

1. Most business are SMALL. We don't have much runway. So stop ripping us off assuming we can take the hit, we cant.

2. If we seem greedy/cheap please see #1. We have no safety net so if we go under we're SOL. So we can't waste money.

TO be continued....


@basedbagel Just doing better than normies and npc will make you suddenly some who is magically better so now they hate you and want to use you for free benefits.

Because how dare you make better life decision and be slightly better.

What do you mean you can't give me free money because I am stupid with money.

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