@basedbagel I will at least take gen z like zombies.
Because many of us are lifeless like ones.
Why the F combine us with boomers🤬
>Why the F combine us with boomers🤬
Thank you! Like what did we do to deserve this gay ass name?!
Its so disrespectful
@basedbagel Another gen Z like ZERO
Because we have zero things and most will have zero children
@basedbagel I am willing to have children when I will see possibility of stable future.
So that kids will have good childhood and good future ahead.
So far words that start with Z
another word I would avoid is zinc
> I am willing to have children when I will see possibility of stable future.
Agreed and thats no longer possible in the US. i'm leaving a soon as I can afford it, I already have my 2nd passport.
What's wrong with Generation Zinc? LOL 1st generation to have the least amount of vitamin deficiencies lol
@basedbagel I do not know for some reason zinc sounds gay to me.
>Because we have zero things and most will have zero children
LOL That's funny but I REBUKE that!
God willing I will have many children and many of the things.
It's just gonna take me a while