Until smartphone makers stop their anti consumer practices and prices go down i will be buying ALL my phones used from now on.

@basedbagel I wish LG kept making phones, those were the best software wise.


AGREED. that was the beginning of the end.

The LG V20 was THE best smartphone of all time and that's a shame considering it's almost a decade old.

@basedbagel I still have the Stylo 3(or 4? Gotta look at it again), if something happens to my new primary, I can use the other on WiFi in emergency.

Smart move.

I have a backup Samsung for the same purpose.

These days it's essential to have a backup 📱 because you never know what may happen

@basedbagel I wish I was a tech head who could upgrade my own shit in terms of security updates that don't come anymore.


Unfortunately updates are only available via manufacturer unless you get a custom ROM.

Which they are making it harder to do.

The only reason I upgraded my phone 📱was for updates and I bought it used.

🖕 These Phone Companie$ milking us for overpriced products with less features

@basedbagel My mom's the most frustrated boomer, she keeps buying new phones cuz after a few updates they purposely fuck up the phone, she can't deal with it & throws it against the wall, wash, rinse, repeat.

Yup! That's by design.

If they cared all they would let you roll back to the last stable version.

If phone companies had their way you wouldn't even be able to repair your phone or buy it used.

You would just rent a new phone yearly for a monthly fee.

@basedbagel @fal1026 I last time bought phone it was xiaomi mi5

I now have xiaomi redmi 9 thx to brother who bought his phone and thx to his Tmobile he got xiaomi redmi 9 with it.

So he only wanted from me to buy him protective glass on his phone.

I do not see reason to spend much on phone.

When I only use it for calling or messaging basic stuff and use it for watching videos, listening to music and visiting websites.

So these can be easilly done with cheapest cellphones on the market.

@basedbagel @fal1026 So I do not see the reason why I should invest too much in to phone.

So why not get it cheaper.

When it is better to replace it than to repair.



In the US a 📱 is a status symbol and you can get ghosted by girls for not having an iPhone SMH 🤦‍♂️


@basedbagel @fal1026

status symbols are retarded

Often they are created by wannabe rich people. Who will waste their paycheck for things that are expensive to look like rich

Only now I saw something good from apple and it was apple vision pro

So I will wait to see something similar made by android companies

Because until apple will be more than for normie/NPC lvl users and next thing even in store you need to pay for everything and is more expensive because apple take money from creators

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> status symbols are retarded

Yes but sadly theyre very effective. Especially when it comes to attracting women.

I got a m1 MacBook to make videos on and while I don't regret it I will admit it was WAY overpriced for what it was

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