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@shortstories @Pain66 Medical Health Care business will die soon due people changing to a whole food plant base diet cause All medical business diseases are cause by meat dairy and eggs consumption

@Stahesh @VeganMGTOW @Pain66

Hopefully medical care will continue for those who accidentally get punctured with objects and other health problems not related to diet

@shortstories @Stahesh @Pain66 Sorry to break it to You shortstories but without the consumption of meat, dairy and eggs won't be enough clients to sustain the Medical business it go out business with just 30% of the population going to a whole food plant base diet cause domino effect

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh @Pain66

So if the medical industry goes 100% out of business including ambulances and treatment for car accidents, gun shot wounds, stab wounds and so on then a lot of people are going to die

Are you sure all parts of the medical industry will go out of business?

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW @Pain66 In his vegan brain yes.

Because vegan diet is cure to all

Do not give him too much to think or he will say something vegan or post video of vegans.

Vegans live in fantasy where animals do not harm each other so no injuries.

They simplly live eat all day, reproduce and then day

@Stahesh @shortstories @VeganMGTOW @Pain66
I don't know, my uncle lost a leg to diabetes and he has been eating salad and beer everyday, his leg hasnt grown back yet.
Is he not eating enough peas? How long does vegan regeneration take to kick in?

@Zeb @Stahesh @shortstories @Pain66 That isn't how it works. You should go to back high school and learn the meaning of the word "disease" I Guess.

Funny thing eating a whole food plant base diet could have save his leg cause reverse diabetes. Pretty sure he was consuming more stuff besides salad and beer otherwise he wouldnt have diabetes maybe liver damage if he drinks too much beer but For diabetes I bet he was consuming animal corpses and secretions.

@shortstories @Stahesh @Pain66 Yeah aleast as Big it is Right now For example a city have 5 hospital and 10 clinics in the current system if alesst 50% of the population switch to a Vegan diet in the same city we Will have only 1 hospital and 3 clinics.

Basically only to treat very old people or the thing You mention unless the hospital and clinics start hiring gansters to start breaking people Legs causing accidients or poison people so the hospital and clinics increase their clients numbers

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