@sardonicsmile So I don't get it the same goes For men that between those 2 women 99% of men Will choice the blond.

Beauty isn't subjetive trait it have tangebible gene health component.
This is stupid to critizing women For having standards as men do. In a perfect world All woman would be married at the age of 16 to 18 when Even the ugliest ones can have healthy babies cause they are in their peek fertility.
All these incels ugly looking people come from woman waiting to the mid 30's above


@VeganMGTOW @sardonicsmile Here is bad example of it.

Because same for men we can classify women in to top mid and bottom.

Where here is top and bottom.

Here should be top and average girl you meet in shop work etc.

Where women see only 20% as normal guys and 80% bottom call ugly.

Guys are more realistic and see 80% as average or good looking and 20% as ugly. and in 80% we have top and mid.

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