@Stahesh Is simple logic Vegan diet Is the only diet free of estrogens and antibiotics.

The first cause hormonal problems the second kills your guts flora making difficult to absord nutrients both things are the root cause of all diseases

@VeganMGTOW My main problem are carbs. So more cabs will not help my body.

That is reason why I will not choose it over carnivore diet😇

@Stahesh I wonder what You can point out what is wrong with carbs Is literally The gasoline of the human body and our brains need a Big Chuck of carbs to funtion properly

@VeganMGTOW not if you run on fat protein and ketones.

Carb is only stored in your body for up to 3 days.

And when you not eat carbs for 3 days you become fat adapted where your body runs on fat

@VeganMGTOW My main problem is that carbs cause Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease NAFLD.

Your microbiom ferments carbs in to energy and byproduct is alcohol and that is reason when you have high carb diet you get NAFLD

@Stahesh UMM can You send me the link of that study it seems buggos.

@VeganMGTOW Lol you are destiny or what that you need studies and not use common sense or experiments on your body

Don't you want me to send current narrative that you know what to think or say?

but here you

Auto-Brewery Syndrome


The harm of sugar: Why health risks should be compared to alcohol

Here you go hope you will not cry that it is not by vegan science


@VeganMGTOW and this is why many people go for Keto and carnivore with fasting.

Because they found out this is what works for them and many others.

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