I want to learn math, chemistry, physics, pharmacology, nutrition, exercise physiology, languages

Should I try to get credits towards a degree for what I learn or just earn it but get no degree

I don't want to take some courses of learning some special engineering software that changes every so many years

Just how to do problems without a computer or calculator

Will employers even look for college degrees in twenty years or will those be for people too stupid to learn skills without college


@shortstories Bro same I want to learn everything.

For me it helps in future to go off grid

Governmnet certificate is good only if you want to get work or start business

In future many things can change. What today can be specialized in future can be easy requalification

It will most likely change when collages are so expensive so no one will go there. But in EU the collages are free only privet schools need to be paid for.

Depends if society choose to be more universal or specialized

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Let's say I learn the knowledge now

If there is a collapse

Will it help me to pay for a certificate or college class or college degree to prove that I
learned the knowledge

Or will I be better off after the collapse if I never paid the money to prove that I learned the knowledge and spent it on something else before the collapse but still learned the knowledge

There are different degrees of collapse

Maybe if we are lucky industries will still function but welfare will be cut

@shortstories Depend how much money it will cost you

This is hard to tell They can change requirements and learning need to be done to get certification

Another problem what lacking knowledge you get from normie level learning that often lack behind.

Most of the things you get from one book or some content on internet.

Even you can buy learning courses or teachers on internet that will teach you

Most of the time certification is for government usefull to get job with it or create business

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