Can someone remind me how TFM got Halsey on his show.

So far he acts only as news specialist that promote government propaganda like on any TV news.

Like TFM talks about news or what happen and Halsey actually you are wrong even thought the facts beat you in your face.


There is nothing wrong with having an Orthodox Jew on the show

There is something wrong with claiming Orthodox Jews are not to blame for the actions of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish politicians and corporate CEOs and fractional Reserve lenders and media spokespeople who were trained by their Orthodox Jewish ancestors to hate Gentiles


@shortstories I pretty much would not care who is on the show. But he proved himself as liar and enemy of west.

He does not have point except claiming Israel is best and poor jews that are harassed by everybody for no reason.

So why waist time with him on the show when TFM shows the news and every body knows that is it fact but he claims it is fake or it is not true and only thing you get is government propaganda that I can hear anywhere.

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