am starting to understand a little bit why the body types are what they are, i feel like the Endomorphs retain fat and muscle easy cuz they share a trait of been warriors, while the ectomorphs were more of crafters.

Soldiers mostly have to eat what they hunt in campaign, while the crafters eat mostly carbs cuz they usually stay at home eating what the farm provided cuz meat was more for celebrations or holidays.

what about the mesomorphs the best of both body type, accidental bioengineering?


@RodrickSage Basically the body types are how often your predecessors ate.

Because the easily you store fat the more you can have bigger gaps between eating or where there was lack of food you can survive with less.

Not mentioning the other types can be more hyperactive and burn more energy by moving their body when they are bored.

Some people just sit and move little and there are people that needs to fidget because they cant sit still.

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