@nomebullyyou Delusional still think there is something wrong with sugar
@nomebullyyou @VeganMGTOW Do not worry about him. The vegan diet made him weak and can't use logic.
Maybe one day if he tries at least one day of carnivore diet.
The problem of sugars is that force your body store fat and hinders autophagy. Compare to carnivore that lets you burn fat and lets you stay in autophagy.
Most damages from sugars can be solved by fasting and carnivore diet.
Effects of sugar on a rats brain
@nomebullyyou I watched many videos and through my life I had mostly carbs and sugars.
After experimenting thx to internet and maidly to
Dr. Eric Berg DC fasting and keto
Shawn Baker MD carnivore
So far I deal with sugar addiction but things that works are fasting, carnivore diet and sometimes root vegetables like carrots,
I think it is because sugars cause yeast overgrowth and root vegetables have strong resistance against yeasts.
@Stahesh yeah, I remember a good lecture by Dr. Lustig about balancing fiber with sugar intake and high fructose corn.syrup being especially bad, etc. All the people I trust agree that sugar is at least generally bad, and most will go on to say sugar is an addictive poison.