
When I hear about US and their tipping

Not only for basic thing they should do. But waiters are so arrogant compare to how useless they are. When they are basically customer paid servants

IMO waiters are just for lazy boomers that want to feel special

It is so fucking hard to get to the front desk choose meal wait when they call your order and sit down to eat like many businesses and fastfood do

Not mentioning their presence cost you extra for the food

IMO they will not exist in the future

@Stahesh USA does not have taxes included in their prices. you find out only when you are about to pay. the entire country is just weird like that. or their wooden homes. they might have spun out of europe but they are so far apart with how they do things that the only connection left is language and skin color. otherwise they could be a completely different people altogether.

@sardonicsmile Dam so old yet full of wisdom when it is 32 years old.

Most people will not stop and think about it like the characters and call you cheap and crazy.

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