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Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted

@Stahesh Self deletion is *Always* an option. Keep that in mind. Sometimes the smart way is to not play at all. A guy who plays a bad hand in poker is an idiot. (Don't give me that, "you don't play the hand; you play the other player" trope).
Life indicates your genes are about to be eradicated from the pool.
It might be one of the wisest decisions you make.

Stahesh boosted

i just love this new thing about " you don't need to work still you collapse, the constant grind will get you down. " And the one i love the most of all is " some people can do the same thing you you did and with less effort, and they succeed, while you pushed and pushed, and nothing came out if. "

THAT THE SAME THING WE HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU ASSHOLES SINCE THE START BUT, YOU CALLED US LAZY AND ENTITLED. just looks at TFM, all this time talking down on paycheck to paycheck, now he lives it.

Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
@marlathetourist @Stahesh Lack of direct consequences is one of the reasons we are in this mess

We transferred individual responsibilities and agency
to the state
Stahesh boosted

@Stahesh Its also been said "An armed society is a polite society"

Stahesh boosted

It must be nice having White people as their enemies since we do most of the work for them.

@marlathetourist I think it is more about accountability. Because when we become more gynocentric and with this come their traits like avoiding any accountability.

Because companies, politicians and people just fucking shit up without fearing any consequences like women.

If you fuck around you need to find out.

Stahesh boosted

Here's a nice find. Interracial couple, berg in the name, etc.

Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
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