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GOP is hobbled by jew money, DeSantis sealed his fate when he signed that censorship bill. GOP activists might be shy about saying so but they know the entire anti-hate anti-racism thing is aimed squarely at the far right and most of them hate niggers at least a little bit.

Democrats are hobbled by the jew agenda which almost everyone hates.
It's Biden vs. Trump because younger candidates in both parties are even more pathetic.
J.D. Vance is the Team B VP favorite. He's a Tucker-style deep cover enemy.


You came here to defend Myles Poland and bitch about Elon Musk.

It's obvious that your priorities are malicious.

I don't waste my time arguing with a malicious poster. Bye.

"But even if he was, we don't need more people, we need fewer."

Translated: "Hey goy, only shitskins have lots of babies. We fellow Whites should have fewer babies."

Myles Poland and the other whiteknights on Poast and NCD are allied with jew Team A.

@VaxxSabbath @RaHoWaJoe @graf @spectatorindex I think they are very carefully titrating this Re-Animator cocktail to prevent blowing his cerebral vasculature (he's already had two craniotomies to clip aneurysms iirc)

In addition to the amphetamines, they're probably throwing in:

-a beta blocker to control BP
-an antidepressant (mood stabilizer)
-an atypical antipsychotic like Seroquel (deals with dementia-associated hallucinations)
-a neurocognitive enhancer like modafinil

All that polypharmacy can make an elderly demented man very unsteady on their feet, watch for falls

Elon Musk (a pro-natalist) is better than Myles Poland (an anti-natalist whiteknight).

Elon Musk is biologically White and very smart therefore he hates the jew agenda. Does he fully understand it? Probably not, he's a busy guy.
@EvilSandmich But Elon's project is a fleet of colony spaceships.

Under the Christian definition, God is Absolute Truth (Λόγος), not Absolute Nice.

@admin That you need propaganda for the masses is a message that has made me among the most hated personalities in this minor concept cluster.
@Alex_Linder Good for him. In the global war against globopedo there are many strange allies.

I still appreciate Kanye providing the receipts for how jew controllers put on the pressure in camera.
The phrase lame duck is confusing as the lame duck has superpowers.

Not having to worry about running for the same office again means he can make unpopular power moves for his faction.

The right almost never does this, the left always does.

The last serious right wing power move was Reagan appointing a former DJ to the FCC, who then ended the equal time rule enabling right wing talk radio.

That was 37 years ago.

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