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@jb You assume he's on our level. Lawyers and other political types are between 110 and 120 IQ.
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Biden got his start as a dog whistling Bill Clinton style anti-nigger hack.

Normal people find "making Mankind multiplanetary" a million times more inspirational than "bow to trannies" and "worship niggers."

@AmonMaritza Genghis Khan had zero mercy on enemies.

That's how you win.
Genghis Khan had no jewish problem.

Makes you think.
@ChristiJunior McCain and Romney were under orders to throw their elections.

Romney's subsequent career proved that. McCain was always a jew run blackmailed infiltrator.
@NoDoxGregBrady Yes, in his GOD DAMN AMERICA phase he was teeing up to be the blackest of black mayors of Chimpcago. Only jew guidance and rigging brought him to the White House.
Trump proved that if you used dog whistles you could turbocharge White turnout. This was known by Nixon, and the GOP did not forget it. Coded anti-nigger talk won them five elections - Nixon twice, Reagan twice and Bush 1 once.

They were forced to ditch this winning strategy by kikes.

That's what McCain knew not to do and Romney was ordered not to do.
@FallsMom He won't, but keep it up and someone will.

When dealing with the most dangerous animal that ever lived you should stop poking it with a stick.
Kikes probably killed Massie's wife.

The man who defeats the jews will love nothing but hate.
@morgthorak That's the big talking point now, 'Man up and do your duty... in return for nothing.'

As that can only be fixed by ending all civil and political rights for women... it's all gonna burn down.
@judgedread That prick was babbling about "national service" aka a draft for White males. Fuck him.
@placebo He must occasionally ritualistically denounce White nationalism in the most florid terms to assure his masters he remains their boy.
Only interesting thing that might happen tonight is Biden shorts out so visibly that it either permanantly knocks off 5 points from his polling guaranteeing a Trump win or forces the Democrats to remove him from the ticket at the convention.

"SpaceX Prepares Chopstick Test and Advances Second Launch Tower | SpaceX Boca Chica"

NSF video:

@judgedread Objectively they are both too old to serve. No employer would hire someone 80 years old. It's just further evidence we have no real say in who fills the positions of power in our country.
I have no election prediction because it will be a battle between Team A's vote harvesting and faking machine and Team B's interception system. Actual results are close to irrelevant as Trump is phoning it in, thus he can't spin up a massive surge to overwhelm the steal.

Myles Poland is just another cookie-cutter White(knight) nationalist. Who simps for women, but can't answer a basic pictorial Redpill on Women Question.

Young men would rather follow Andrew Tate and Elon Musk, than follow Myles.

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