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Falcon 9 booster B1078 launches Starlink 10-6 from 39A. It's 12th launch and landing.

#Space #SpaceX #Falcon9 #Starship #ElonMusk

@AuntNorma Focus on state nullification of federal law, refuse to assist the feds in any way, convince all young men you know not to join the military and be prepared to help them evade the draft if necessary.

Hide power level from all enemies.
I blame likely crypto jew (2/3rds of surname are jews) Jason Kessler for Charlottesville not the well meaning activists who showed up.

Anyone who hates on the J6 protesters is shit and gets instablocked.
Kikes think they're gods... but they're not.

They're as mortal as we are!
@Irishblackpilled feminism literally created this problem. Foundational feminist concept is that men and women are the same and fundamentally interchangeable, the only difference being the sex organs.

They made this bed, they can get raped in it.

You're not a fighter. Now go turn sperm into babies and bread into sandwiches.

Fucking Israel starting WWIII, I got shit to do.
@graf @EdBoatConnoisseur @Floydian_Psychology During the first Gabpocalypse, FSE got a lot of people like this. They'd show up and make unreasonable demands and toss around batshit insane accusations and shit-stir interminably. The point was to be completely intolerable while complaining about something, then get banned for being intolerable, so that they could say they were banned for criticizing the thing they were screeching about, so that they could collect their screenshot and go back to Gab, waving it around, to try to stop the bleeding. "Oh, I filed all of these reports about nonces and they banned *me*!"

I think the last one that tried that was @[email protected] , who was banned for spamming these massive walls of text about the slave trade, and went back to Gab telling people that he was banned for antisemitism. It was excessive, like automated posts every few hours with the same several massive walls of text, you can see the screenshot.

Since :torbo: got caught repeatedly flagging the Twitter accounts of people that had declined his invitation to come to Gab, in an attempt to force them onto Gab, it wouldn't be surprising if he was actually running some of those accounts or having an intern do it. Or, since the feds basically have a pipe straight into Gab, they'd have an interest in keeping people on Gab.

Anyway, the anime-respecting rule is doing its job. nep used to ban people from for failure to name their favorite 2hu.
@p Torba has a friend who runs tens of thousands of followbots. He spun up a bunch of 'satirical' Judge Dread accounts that you can find with Gab user search to this day. Many have thousands of followers that were spun up in hours.

So Torba would absolutely spam the fediverse to sabotage and disrupt any migration from there to here.
@p It's pretty clear that Torba is false opposition funded by Peter Thiel at the very least and possibly a fed at worst.

He is certainly compromised by the Bowers incident, which resulted in absolutely no real legal problems for Torba, just an investigation that was dropped.
@smugumin The boomers I’m arguing with are actually jews themselves. There’s a lot of middle-aged jew accounts tossing up the usual ww2 images and propaganda in some pitiful attempt to counter the deserved anti-Israel sentiment which saturates mainstream social media. It’s like they believe that it’s still 1994 and they can silence any criticism of their tribe by airing Schindler’s List in prime time on NBC. They’re finding out otherwise, and it’s a beautiful thing to watch.


I see that you have pre-mature balding.

Warrior skull or Wimp skull, which one are you?

A view of Ship 30's static fire over the Massey's Test Site flame trench.


What's bullshit was the claim that BLM niggers were immune to a flu virus. What's bullshit was the counting of gunshot deaths and motorcycle crash deaths as coronahoax deaths.

All claimed by highly credentialed quacks, who deserve to be burned alive on a 4k livestream.

@Tbsa @Pepijn @augieray @JustTooOdd @SilverDeth

Ship 30 engine section after 2nd static fire. The static fire was the first time a flight ready prototype used the new Massey's test site flame trench.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.