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@pospi >willingness to accept support from existing elites

That's a funny thing for you to say considering your entire trans identity was invented by corporations.
@judgedread The worst she can do is keep the borders wide open, and cause a permanent state of market panic with her economic policies. She’s not going to invade Iran or directly attack Russia either. As far as hunting down right-wing dissidents, it would take magnitudes more personnel than any administration has to spare, and such actions would risk provoking a domestic uprising against an already weak and barely-tolerated federal government. If they steal it again, expect four more years of government and corporate plunder on the taxpayer, as well as runaway inflation, domestic disasters caused by a collapsing infrastructure, and third-world street crime levels.

Whether they steal it or not is outside my control or any of ours, and Trump or no Trump it won’t change the inevitable conclusion for the 50-state union under the dictates of Washington DC.

B14.1 test tank undergoes booster catch slap testing with the OLM 1 Chopsticks.

Everyday Astronaut video highlights: New Glenn booster engine section. With landing legs and tan colored heat shield blankets.

A closer look at how the landing legs are deployed.

Nancy Pelosi didn't threaten to reveal polling showing Biden would lose to Trump, she threatened to reveal video of Biden raping kids.

Everyday Astronaut video highlights: New Glenn expendable upper stage hydrogen (LH2) tank. New Glenn is 7 meters in diameter in both stages. The first stage is a reusable methalox stage. There are 2 versions of the upper stage, expendable and reusable. The upper stage is hydrolox.

What do anti-Trump guys with windmill of frenship banners think Kamala is going to do if she steals the election?

Pajeet-nigger-woman is a trifecta of malice and White nationalist men are her antimatter infinite enemy.

WAI video highlights: Ablative heatshield of a Dragon spacecraft. Note the trunk interfaces are actually wooden ablative plugs.

WAI video highlights: Ship 30's new heatshield at its forward fins. Ship 29 had burn-thru at its forward fins during re-entry, but it survived to make swan dive landing (much like SN15 did).

#Space #Astrodon #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk #WAI

@DemonSixOne All this subposting was generated by the sneering contempt for modernity and progress expressed by Corey and Hans in the latest Myth of the 20th Century.

Every leftist lie against progress was rolled out, including the bullshit about CFCs destroying the ozone layer.

I think Judgedread was referencing this Myth of the 20th C video here. Where technological advancement was being attacked.

Myth20thC video:

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