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So Trump sentencing delayed until September by shitlib judge who hates his guts.

I told you Team B had the upper hand.
Zoe Lofgren, United States House of Representatives, California, 18th District. Member of Congress since 1994.

Things are picking up speed

RFK Jr. struck below the waterline.

'Nothing ever happens' my shiny metal ass.


SpaceXが巨大な新しいスターシップロケットの最初の段階であるSuper Heavyを地球に戻すための未来を示すアニメーションを公開。Starbaseの巨大な打ち上げタワーによる中空でのキャッチが目指す方法のようだ。

#SpaceX #新スターシップロケット #SuperHeavy

One of the major reasons why the shills hate Judgedread, is his jew Team A vs jew Team B analysis.

Why would something that boring enrage somebody?

Because it reveals a deep division within the US's jewish ruling class.

@EssentialUtinsil Do you think being a piece of shit demoralizing griefer will save the White race?

Or are you simping for a certain malignant cunt?


I can see why EssentialUtinsil is so upset that he lives in an NYC closet apartment, that shares a communal bath with six other closet apartments.

I would be miserable too, if I was an effete urban bugman.

@EssentialUtinsil It's funny how much you losers hate me.

And after all I did to try and save you from this.
@EssentialUtinsil And?

A fanatical zionist who calls Mexicans rapists is more useful than Jeb or Hillary or Biden.

Plus they did covid to expel him from office via fraud.

Or are you one of the feebs who thinks Biden won legitimately in 2020?
Sure, Trump is all talk, but jews conquered us with 90% talk, and they rightly fear it.
No Trump and the pig system is blissfully slouching towards White extinction with zero pushback beyond a few podcasts banned everywhere.
Stopping Trump delegitimized the pig system more in eight years than a century of kike taxation and humiliation managed.
I might just have to drag myself out of bed and vote Trump because it's the best way to grind blackpillers' gears.
Kinda wild a US congressman spouse suicided by Israel and no news outlet mentions it.
@TrevorGoodchild Cenk reaching levels of sweating and yelling that should not even be possible.
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