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@TeaTootler Desegregation is probably the main cause of record mobility after WWII as the brown plague constantly spread, forcing you to move another exit down the highway every five years or so.
@Charles_in_Charge Indeed, that's why sticking with Biden was the path of least resistance to begin with. Or even running him at all in 2020.

The Cenks and Hakims of the leftwardmost extreme of Democrat voters have no idea how unpopular their racial grudge and faggot politics are outside the media bubble.

SpaceX CrewDragon, as seen from the ISS on Earth's night side.

Ablative heat shield underlayer being added to Ship 30. It will be beneath the tiles, and will act as backup thermal protection in case a tile breaks. It's being installed in areas where vulnerabilities were detected on Ship 29's re-entry.

@admin The token Trump guy mentioned her lockdown policy on a panel show and the leftists had no idea what he was talking about or that it would be a problem in the general election.

To the left lockdown infinite forever was the ideal we failed to live up to.
Trump scenarios, best to worst (for him personally)

1. Biden stays in, does not drop dead before election day. No amount of fraud can drag pedo Joe over the finish line. Trumpslide.

2. Dems replace Biden with jew unacceptable candidate, either brown anti-zionist or extreme socialist who will really tax the plutocrat kikeocracy, no steal, Trump wins handily.

3. Dems put in OK candidate but Team B interception grid prevents election steal, Trump narrowly wins.

4. Dems put in Team B acceptable candidate, repeat 2020 steal.
@Shadowman311 These are people who are on their sixth booster.

Media told them Biden was fine, so he was fine. Now the same media say he's not and they're losing their minds.
The constraints on replacing Biden are:

Avoid nominating a crypto or overt anti-zionist.
Don't make it worse by nominating Kamala.
Keep it out of the hands of similar garbage like Hillary who have bespoke power networks capable of rigging the game.
Placate the browns when Kamala is replaced by a straight man, possibly even a White one.
You know Democrats are fucked when Cenk Unger is the only guy talking sense.

One of the the first acts of Andrew Torah, during the pre-election Gab imagecaust, was to immediately ban OP9, Judgedread, and me.

@epictittus I did not know that, but my 'Biden crime family' concept covers it.

These aren't party loyalists, they're scammers, grifters and racketeers.
Biden cabal is going with, 'You got nothin', see, we ain't goin' anywhere!'
@jb You assume he's on our level. Lawyers and other political types are between 110 and 120 IQ.
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Biden got his start as a dog whistling Bill Clinton style anti-nigger hack.

Normal people find "making Mankind multiplanetary" a million times more inspirational than "bow to trannies" and "worship niggers."

@AmonMaritza Genghis Khan had zero mercy on enemies.

That's how you win.
Genghis Khan had no jewish problem.

Makes you think.
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