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Nvidia unique advantage is Chinese Huang won't let pajeets swarm in with their 105 IQ horde.
@judgedread I don’t think American kikery has that kind of power anymore. Too many people on both the left and right have turned against them after the Gaza genocide. Even white GWOT veterans are now openly naming the kike not just in geopolitical matters but also in regard to our cultural and societal woes.
Non-crackpots know anything pro-White, and thus dangerous to the electoral future of the Democrats, will be blocked by the courts in collaboration with the GOP and the bureaucracy so Trump is in fact no threat to democracy AKA the collapse of White civilization.
@admin The perpetual problem of bioleninism. Your loyalists are inept by definition.
@judgedread The only problem with mulattos and other muds is the risk that they might say something catastrophically retarded, along the lines for example of that nigger house rep who, years ago, during some subcommittee hearing of some sort, asked if the island of Guam could tip over in the ocean. Nonwhite stupidity is as unstable as nitroglycerin. Even Obama had a handful of gafs that might have been fatal if the media wasn’t so in love with him during his campaign.
@DMA Correct. Team A wants to crash the US with no survivors.
@jb Fetterman, Pelosi, Newsom and many others are ridin' with Biden.

They had a plan but it failed at first engagement with reality.
@TrevorGoodchild Where do they base their forces? The carrier battle group option will be taking up residence in Davey Jones locker in the first hours of full scale war.
@admin @judgedread A Newsom-Whitmer ticket (dollar store Patrick Bateman + sweathog) would be such a funny psychopathic combination, actually giddy at the thought :akkoGiggle:
@bloggerski My model is based on the base reality that would be revealed if they could still steal the election under these dire circumstances.

If Whites are so buck broken that we can't stop 2% of kikes and their 13% nigger vote fraud machine from taking it all and then we take it again lying down we are deady dead dead.
Tesla's millions of Optimus droids can become a pro-White army with a single update.

The real decision in 2024 will be a contest between jew Team A’s ballot stuffers vs jew Team B’s hit squads.

@VikingWays Yes, and that Biden was gonna lose Michigan.

That last could be a head fake.
A pure evil Team A cunt like Whitmer scrambling to avoid being the fall bitch shows just how fucked they are.

No consensus candidate = pedo Joe stays.
A potential date for Biden’s nomination is July 21, when the Democratic convention’s credentials committee meets virtually, according to people familiar with the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Democrats had already planned to nominate Biden, 81, before their August convention in order to ensure he appears on the ballot in Ohio, which had an Aug. 7 deadline for candidates to be certified.
The evil forces have a few priorities. Here they are with Biden's grade:

Keep White men down. A
Mass brown turd immigration. A+
Protect Israel. F
Contain Russia. F
@TactlessWookie I was thinking more of worthless posters who think I have a duty to read their time eating malignant responses.
Yes, Hollywood will be finished when anyone can write a plot summary and have their game device render a feature film based on it.
@Viking5050 Those overt rules aren't what will decide this, the covert power systems will. Including the depth of team Biden's blackmail files.
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