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@DrRyanSkelton Scum who brigade to stir up some pretext to get me banned are treated with the correct level of respect: Zero.

I probably read every Bible apologetic anyone can muster before you all were born. It has long since been consigned to the same dustbin as Marxism.
@Umlaut I don't care.

Keep in mind I skim dipshits like you. Anyone who takes kike horseshit seriously and thinks they can correct me is automatically discounted by 99% out of the gate.
@db Roman pagans did. Augustus did.

It's the only way to be sure.

If a Christian patriarchy gets restored in America, it will probably by done by the Russians. From their military beach-head in Alaska.

If so, I recommend that the Russians appoint @neofugue as a Holy Inquisitor in the North American continent.

An absolute patriarchy that makes women property again, won't be imposed by American Christians on America.

Somebody else will do that.

Taliban - non-White, Islamic, using weapons stolen from occupiers, protecting a big pile of nothing while living in subsistence conditions.

There will be no Christian version of the Taliban in the US.

Christians here won't confront kikes who cut the tits off little girls for fear of losing their bank accounts.

That includes all you punks who hate my guts. We're all anons on this bus.
@petra Gary North claimed that US fundamentalists were brought to heel by Lyndon Johnson pulling tax exempt status from any church that engaged in right wing politics.

This is likely unconstitutional, but that's just a piece of paper.
@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta I refer to access to heresy, propaganda and porn via general purpose open source computing machines.

All the technology exists right now.
How many Christian dads would accept a theocratic state that would execute their daughter for fornication?
More evidence that Christian Nationalism is regime astroturf, their own platforms are backpedaling before it even got going. Notice the typical delusional coping that the jews will let them peacefully secede:

There is plenty for Christians to do politically short of indulging in Christian nationalist pipe dreams. Forget capturing the federal government for the purpose of cracking the whip of Christian morality to “unify” Americans who don’t want it. Instead, why not simply advocate for the restoration of American governance at its best—at its most disunited? A loose union of localized states with concentric rings of representative governance would allow those who wish to live in virtue and preserve Christian civilization. The freedom of association, limited government, and natural law are enough to bring about safety, prosperity, and growth for those who are capable of self-government.

In such a system, sorting on moral lines is natural. Those who wish to live with Christian values (or at least their societal benefits) in their lives will do so, while others who do not can try their luck with Atheism or perhaps Islam, short of anarchy. The results will speak for themselves.

https:// americanmind .org/features/what-is-christian-nationalism/the-case-for-christian-civilizationism/
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