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BE-7 engine in a vacuum test chamber.

This engine is for Blue Origin’s Blue Moon Lander.

#Space #Astrodon #BlueOrigin #JeffBezos

They expect men to maintain the behaviors (get married, have families) after they’ve reversed the incentive: removing the man’s authority, legally, and giving it to the (irrational, shortsighted, emotion-driven woman). After a while, men figure out what’s going on. That’s where we are today.

@judgedread ‘Christianity does not interfere with people becoming red pilled.’

Alex Linder is no doubt going to dismiss that point, not only because of his own biases, but also because these findings came courtesy of Greg Johnson, who Linder used to keep around VNN Forum for use as his personal punching bag. Nevertheless, it’s interesting that there is available statistical evidence to refute Linder’s obsessive claims to the contrary.
@admin Even more notable in that CC is an overtly atheistic-pagan aligned site. My own research indicates that over 70% of American WNs are Christians, with Catholics and Orthodox overrepresented compared to their numbers in the general population.
@largess I read shit like this and it makes me want to get a monster truck because fuck you, that's why.

Ah, for the good old days when 1 in 6 vehicles was a 4 MPG Hummer.
@cjd Coverup with intense investigation.

Like the death squads during Hurricane Katrina. Feds still looking for the White shooters but they don't dwell on it because it might inspire others.
@1137 Crypto does not solve the legal tender problem. You need to be able to pay in dollars or it's not a real payment system as far as normal people are concerned. Elon wants a new Paypal, not another memecoin.
DEI This is the biggest and most significant weakness of the jews. The Team (B)ankster kikes are desperately trying to use Trump to stave off this weakness. But they only have a vague indication of how deep this weakness is. The 1964 Civil Rights Act and its bureaucracy is still in place.
Boeing Diversity engineering.png

I repost Judgedread, because he has intimate knowledge of how ZOG is structured. Good enough to make the best predictions of ZOG's behavior.

The conflict between jew Team A(antifa) vs jew Team B(ankster) for example.

Dread may have actually come face to face with one of the Elders of Zion. Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut" showed way too much info on ZOG structure (the Elders are rich, but not famous, for example). Kubrick died shortly after making the film.

Marcus House video highlights: Aerial view of Highbay and Megabay 1. Ship 31, with its heat shield tile replacement, is visible on the right side of Highbay.

#Space #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk #MarcusHouse

Marcus House video highlights: Crush panel for Chopsticks. This serves the same purpose as the crush cores of the Falcon 9's landing legs. If the force is excessive, the panel crush absorbs that force to protect the booster.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired The demographics get worse by the day. The strategy that works is DIRECT CONVERSION OF OTHER WHITES. That can be via the internet or in RL. Trump has no impact on this either way. No one reachable thinks Trump is going to end women voting, nigger crime or jew perfidy. It's a matter of getting them to reject democracy, a stretch goal but essential otherwise any regime change will be back to square one in just a few years.
@mage Destroyed by NY state lawfare because 25 years ago some kike advised Brimelow to incorporate there.

NSF video highlights: Ship 31 gets new nosecone tiles. Just like Ship 30 did.

#Space #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk

@AmonMaritza Remember when jewess Rosanne Barr did a halfassed pro-Trump episode of her sitcom? In 2016 Team B was hoping that MAGA could be pivoted to a completely safe non-racial movement.

Charlottesville ended that. Team B bigshots mostly sat out 2020 and gave the go-ahead to steal the election.

Only the complete cultural collapse of the US since covid and the stolen election persuaded them that they'd made a mistake. If the White population had knuckled under like Soviet serfs and kept working unimpeded under the Biden lockdown regime Trump would already be in prison.

Instead the parasite - or at least 30% or it - now seeks some way to prevent the host from dying, and they think Trump is just what the doctor ordered.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.