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@WardenX2 That's a Team B operative, by which I mean on salary.

Polaris Dawn launch attempt is NET Tuesday 27 August 2024. This private manned spaceflight plans to attempt a highly elliptical orbit with a 1,400km apogee, and a space walk.

#Space #Astrodon #PolarisDawn #SpaceX #Falcon9 #CrewDragon #Starship #ElonMusk

@Vulpes_Quartus The first two jew taboos I violated were those against isolationism - particularly historic isolationism - and criticizing keeping kosher.

'I don't believe in the Bible so why should I respect your absurd superstitions? This is snake handling tier craziness.'

The pushback on that was a pale shadow of the pushback on, 'The US should have stayed out of WWII.'
@Vulpes_Quartus I always found jewish law repulsive, and wondered why other skeptics didn't laugh at its absurd superstitious dietary restrictions the way they laughed at Mormons not drinking coffee.

How little I knew!

Ship 30 gets a Mechazilla decal. Booster 12 is going to attempt a booster catch on OLM 1 Mechazilla Chopsticks during IFT-5 orbital test flight.

The main competing traditional religions with a long term future are Islam, Thai Buddhism, and Russian Orthodox Christianity.

But note that Elon Musk is a religious figure with 12 children. He stated that collapsed birthrates are a threat to civilization and that making Mankind multiplanetary requires reproduction. Musk figuring out a solution to the Woman Question (WQ) is inevitable.

✝️ & ☪️ must stamp out feminism, the Bible and Quran tells women to shut up.

#ElonMusk #Religion

The RedPill on Women Question: The collapse in human birthrates is essentially a “manufacturing problem” (WQ). It’s a failure to produce new humans to replace old worn out humans. And you need babies to make Mankind multiplanetary.

Eventually Elon Musk is going to apply his algorithm to the Woman Question.

1. Make The Requirements Less Dumb

“Step one: Make the requirements less dumb. The requirements are definitely dumb; it does not matter who gave them to you. It’s particularly dangerous when they come from an intelligent person, as you may not question them enough. Everyone’s wrong. No matter who you are, everyone is wrong some of the time. All designs are wrong, it’s just a matter of how wrong,” explains Musk.

2. Try And Delete Part Of The Process

“Step two: try very hard to delete the part or process. If parts are not being added back into the design at least 10% of the time, [it means that] not enough parts are being deleted. The bias tends to be very strongly toward ‘let’s add this part or process step in case we need it’. Additionally, each required part and process must come from a name, not a department, as a department cannot be asked why a requirement exists, but a person can,” says Musk.

3. Simplify Or Optimize

“Step three: simplify and optimize the design. This is the most common error of a smart engineer — to optimize something that should simply not exist,” according to Musk. He, himself, has been a victim of implementing these steps out of order. He refers to a “mental straightjacket” that happens in traditional schools where you always have to answer the question regardless of whether the premise makes any sense at all.

4. Accelerate Cycle Time

“Step four: accelerate cycle time. You’re moving too slowly, go faster! But don’t go faster until you’ve worked on the other three things first,” explains Musk. Here he uses another example of how these steps should occur in order. During a wrongheaded process you should simply stop, not accelerate. He says, “If you’re digging your grave, don’t dig it faster.”

5. Automate

“The final step is: automate. An important part of this is to remove in-process testing after the problems have been diagnosed; if a product is reaching the end of a production line with a high acceptance rate, there is no need for in-process testing. I have personally made the mistake of going backwards on all five steps multiple times. In making Tesla’s Model 3, I literally automated, accelerated, simplified and then deleted,” says Musk.

We just walked out of the courthouse. Case concluded.

Unanimous decision by the jury after deliberating for less than 30 minutes....

Judgement in our favor in the FULL amount sought.

More to follow.
Boomer: Lives better than his parents...and his children.
There are things all wise men know that can't be spoken of in public.

'Prayer probably won't work, always have a realistic plan' was no doubt one of these from 300 AD to 1900 AD.

'Women are incapable of honor' is eternal.
To the finance tard everything is a black box. Mix and match the magic money boxes, what could go wrong?

For one thing implicit knowledge cannot be transferred.

George Lucas claims he is a feminist shitlib but every one of his major projects had one or more strong men as warrior-hero. Disney didn't get that knowledge when they bought Lucasfilm for $4.1 billion, and Lucas didn't want to stick around.

Kathleen Kennedy not only doesn't know, she don't wanna know.


NSF video highlights: Closeup of Ship 30's extra heat shield tile reinforcements at the forward fin hinge.

#Space #Astrodon #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk

NSF video highlights: Payload and propellant tank proportion difference between V1 and V2 Ships. (Blue is for LOX, Red is for CH4).

WAI video highlights: New Glenn reusable first stage booster tests its RCS thrusters on its forward interstage.

#Space #Astrodon #BlueOrigin #NewGlenn #JeffBezos #WAI

@SilverDeth @p

The pigs revealed themselves to be cowardly. A good datapoint.

Lets hope for a very Merry Victor Bout Christmas for UK pigs.
Viktor Bout Xmas presents.jpeg

Starfactory extension to SpaceX office building, as seen from the air.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.