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@judgedread @DMA History may spend more time discussing Musk than Trump when discussing this second term.
Elon's plan is to get his payment processing system up and running years before Trump leaves office, then getting as many unbanked poors using it as possible so it will be impossible for the feds to pull his license without creating a massive stink from the proles.
I say neocons believed their own hopium because their PNAC critical path DEPENDED on their hopium being correct.

Instead of leading to a cascade of kike subvertable 'democracy' in the region 'liberating' Iraq only strengthened Islamic fundamentalism.
Neocons actually believed US troops would be greeted as liberators by Arabs, and that Arabs would welcome the death of Islam and its replacement with McDonalds.

Team B lacks such psychotic idealism.

Women’s Rights is a huge genetic bottleneck, a major evolutionary selection event.

Traits that are strongly selected in favor are those of rule breaking and unconventional habits:

- Those willing to kill US soldiers and kill police.
- The typical criminal.
- The prolific sperm bank donor.
- Those who hide, or flee from feminist government.
- The traveling Chad that knocks up women in random places.

Ship 33, the 1st V2 Starship upper stage slated for orbital velocity test flight (IFT-7). Note that the propellant tanks are much larger.

The flatter EDOME bulkheads allow more of the tank to be filled, and minimizes the top bulkhead's height in the payload section. Unlike V1, the propellant in V2 fills the whole cylinder section of the tanks.

#Space #Astrodon #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk #IFT7

Elon's SpaceX Falcon 9:

A Falcon 9 booster returning from a routine Falcon 9 mission. Falcon 9 launches, on average, every 2.9 days. Because the booster is reusable and the fairings are reusable as well.
In the background is Jeff Bezos's New Glenn. The booster stage of New Glenn is reusable too.

#Space #SpaceX #Falcon9 #ElonMusk #BlueOrigin #NewGlenn #JeffBezos

@JohnYoungE From dead link:

Did You Really Go To Church This Week? Behind the Poll Data

by C. Kirk Hadaway and P.L. Marler

...This article appeared in The Christian Century, May 6, 1998, pp. 472-475.

...Church attendance in the U.S. is, apparently, stable and strong. Year after year 40 percent of Americans tell pollsters that they attended church or synagogue in the last seven days. From this evidence, American religion seems quite hardy, especially compared to the statistics from European nations. If the poll data can be believed, three decades of otherwise corrosive social and cultural change has left American church attendance virtually untouched.

...Several years ago we teamed up with sociologist Mark Chaves to test the 40 percent figure for church attendance. Our initial study, based on attendance counts in Protestant churches in one Ohio county and Catholic churches in 18 dioceses, indicated a much lower rate of religious participation than the polls report. Instead of 40 percent of Protestants attending church, we found 20 percent. Instead of 50 percent of Catholics attending church, we found 28 percent. In other words, actual church attendance was about half the rate indicated by national public opinion polls.

Gerald Marwell, then editor of American Sociological Review, said our research raised questions about "stylized facts" that are passed around "as if they were the truth." Of course, much depends on whose experience does or does not match the presumed "truth" about American church attendance.

Many people, and particularly local church pastors, did not seem surprised by our findings. In fact, a story in the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported that "plenty of religious leaders express private doubts about polls that find almost half of American adults say they worship God each week." Less congratulatory, although still confirming, were the reactions of some of our colleagues, friends and family which tended to go something like, "So you discovered what everybody else already knew," or "Well, I could have told you that church attendance wasn’t that high without doing a study about it."

...We did not begin our research with the assumption that the Gallup figures were "wrong." Like other social scientists who use survey data, we trusted Gallup poll results because we knew they employed sound sampling methods. Doubts emerged, however, when we compared statistics on church membership from American denominations to Gallup’s reports on church attendance. If the percentage of Americans attending church is stable, aggregate church membership should have increased as the American population grew. But after adding together denominational membership statistics (including estimates of membership for independent congregations) we found that the aggregate membership total has been virtually static since the late 1960s. This contradiction led us to wonder if Americans were reporting the same level of attendance to pollsters while their actual church participation was dropping. Our first study provided an initial test of this dynamic. Subsequent research confirmed it in important ways.

We returned to Ashtabula County, Ohio, to add a Roman Catholic attendance count to our previous count of Protestants. Because Catholic parishes did not regularly record attendance, we counted Catholic mass attendance ourselves by attending each scheduled mass at every Catholic parish in the county. We attended a total of 38 masses in 13 parishes over several months, counting attendance at each mass. Our counts showed that 24 percent of Catholics attended mass during an average week. In a poll of Ashtabula county residents, however, 51 percent of Roman Catholic respondents said they attended church during the past week. The gap between what people say and do in this rural county is roughly the same as that found in the original study among Catholics in 18 metropolitan dioceses.

The jew Question:

For those who couldn't see my FSE post on @TrevorGoodchild 's detailed description of Judgedread's jew Team A vs jew Team B model, here it is:

"Team A consists of antifags, catladies/government bossgrls, most shitskins, low-level kikes in make-work jobs such as 'journalism' or NGOs/think tanks, open sodomites, trannies. These are bioleninist dregs. They are the foot soldiers and paramilitary civilian-terrorizing shock troopers of the pig system (they are easily killed by professional fighters or anyone with basic gun training/marksmanship/squad level tactical knowledge). They are not intelligent and mostly have little institutional power, unless they are FBI/CIA agents or adjacent (and some are, a minority). They have high time preference and no ability to think through the second- and third-order consequences of their actions. They want Whites reduced to minority status ASAP and eventually genocided, not understanding or caring what this will do to the United States on a national and geopolitical scale."

"Team B consists of the true power players. There are a significant amount of jews on this team as well but they are hedge fund managers, banksters, financiers. They have means and institutional power. There are many, many white compradors on this team as well. Some sodomites but they are either firmly closeted (Graham) or they do not in any way make it part of their public facing identity (Peter Thiel). Importantly, most established and emerging techbros like Elon Musk and Thiel have found themselves in the Team B camp as they have realized what 4 years of Team A rule via the Biden Usurper Regime has done to the American economy and supply chain system (this directly affects them and their pet projects!). And the disastrous performance of the US in the Ukrainian proxy war has shown the Department of Defense and the wider military industrial complex just how rotten and broken the US Armed Forces are, which forced the real power players in the MIC into Team B as well. No reliable recruitment of White male trigger-pullers means no reliable boots on the ground (shitskins, women and trannies won't cut it)."

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@adachi @Wyliesau @Kagekokoro
That's a massive fucking lie. Countries without free speech protections do in fact criminalize this shit.
Currently, Just One in Four Americans Is a Practicing Christian
To get a broad view of the role of Christianity in the American Church, as well as those outside of it, let’s start by looking at the manner in which Americans relate to Christianity, using three segments: practicing Christians, non-practicing Christians and those who are not Christians.

Practicing Christians identify as Christian, agree strongly that faith is very important in their lives and have attended church within the past month.
Non-practicing Christians are self-identified Christians who do not qualify as practicing.
Non-Christians are U.S. adults who do not identify as Christian.

The first and perhaps most significant change we’ll explore is that practicing Christians are now a much smaller segment of the entire population. In 2000, 45 percent of all those sampled qualified as practicing Christians. That share has consistently declined over the last 19 years. Now, just one in four Americans (25%) is a practicing Christian. In essence, the share of practicing Christians has nearly dropped in half since 2000.

Where did these practicing Christians go? The data indicate that their shift was evenly split. Half of them fell away from consistent faith engagement, essentially becoming non-practicing Christians (2000: 35% vs. 2020: 43%), while the other half moved into the non-Christian segment (2000: 20% vs. 2019: 30%). This shift also contributed to the growth of the atheist / agnostic / none segment, which has nearly doubled in size during this same amount of time (2003: 11% vs. 2018: 21%).

"whether he knows it or not, #Musk has become the ultimate embodiment of #extropianism: #SpaceX to take us to Mars; #Neuralink to implant chips in our brains; #xAI to develop superintelligence. Through a combination of ruthless business acumen and maniacal urgency, Musk and a handful of other tech entrepreneurs have pushed technology to a point where some of the sci-fi dreams of their childhood look almost possible.”

Trannies ran roughshod over the 210 million or so nominal Christians in the US for a decade.

It took an atheist whose son they trooned out to really push back.

You want to prove Christian power... take on something big and win.
Christian media latest project - hyping a cuckold who threw his life away for the kikes.

Loving kikes is the ultimate virtue. That's how you earn your bones in Jesusland.
@Glassjaw Christians are part of the GOP base, and like that other half of the Reagan coalition, economically motivated voters, they were vital. You need all parts of the coalition. Difference is Musk grew the coalition significantly and provided a new weapon - the X factor, so to speak - that made it impossible to steal.

But the other angle is that Christian power, such as it is, proved impotent against a decade of faggots and trannies running rampant over all decency. It took a hard headed atheist materialist to put them on their back heels.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.