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I remember many times reading personal accounts of people mention how "we were eating good" when they got a paycheck or extra money in some way. But later on I read them say how they would be struggling to pay bills and only have ramen to eat.

I realize that I could never see eye to eye with such people since I would never find myself blowing so much money just because I appeared to have extra. Long term thinking, it is not for everyone, it seems.

@AmonMaritza I only have personal experience. I grew up in 95% Christian America. The Genesis story seemed a bit weird (talking snake, really?) but I took it as read just like all the weird things people believed (ghosts, for example) then one day I read a scientific primer that summarized the scientific world picture as known at the time. In 1956 the age of the Earth was pinned down at 4.5 billion years. I didn't run to check the Bible but it was immediately obvious that the history of the Solar System was vastly longer than the plain reading of Genesis would indicate, particularly since subsequent geneologies (the begats) only covered a short span of time relative to the billions of years separating the first life from the development of man.

Science made me non-religious and I pretty much still am, in that I don't think any religion has the answers to why the world exists.

I got theories.
@sickburnbro These idiots don't understand what 24/7 personal security actually means or how it limits your life or what you can do as a power player

Literal gangsters get shined all the time and these are people who personally understand violence and assassination on a granular level

The only way to be as close to 100% safe from getting got as possible is to be doing a life sentence from a supermax lockdown and issuing orders through intermediaries, and that is distinctly not fun

Civilians are child's play by comparison
George Washington didn't become a heretic by reading Reddit.
The revolutionary approach is to undermine legitimacy using conventional memes. In other words don't go for the Keep of the normie mind, chip away at their conformity with delegitimization that slips past the outer defenses. Coronahoax was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I notice most of the altright parroted the government line.
I guess all Trump doomers are tuned to the same fail beacon because they parrot the same talking points almost simultaneously.
@TrevorGoodchild @judgedread I am Greek but I'll admit, there were things that Persians did right. Like solving the issue of corruption in the judiciary.
I block anyone who thinks politics is entirely about money.

That's Marxist talk.

Money is a weapon, what men believe decides the fate of nations.
Mike Enoch is cut loose from the Charlottesville lawsuit, immediately goes all-in on 'don't vote GOP, fuck Trump, they are all dead to me!'

@db I watched the election stream with him, Warren and Emily a week or so after the 5th.

I had been seeing hints that TRS was still all-in on nevartrump and wanted to see a sample for myself. As TRS website is now hiding behind javascript that was the easiest to access content.

It amused me how degree of Trump hate directly correlated with physical deformity, with Emily pleased as punch at Trump's glorious return and Striker fuming and hissing with frustration.
The #1 most difficult obstacle to having a good relationship with a decent woman is for her to let go of all close male “friendships.” Women absolutely love attention from the opposite sex, like it’s heroin, and they will swear until their last breath that none of these men want to fuck them (they do.)

I don’t permit any female that I am “with” to have private conversations or close friendships with any non-blood male. The understanding is that if one is ever discovered or brought to my attention, then the relationship ends right there. Needless to say, going to “hang out with guy friends“ is absolutely verboten. I don’t even allow my male friends to spend inordinate amounts of time around my girl when they are in my own company (it’s healthy to keep your male friends separated from your wife/gf.)

Conversely, I don’t have a problem with my woman being close to other women- unless they are degenerate whores whose influence will rub off on her.

I’m sure someone will come along after this post to tell me how harsh and unreasonable I am and explain in great detail why I’ll never have a relationship with a woman (lol.)

Enduring those frantic shrieks of the anklebiters is just part of that burden you have to carry as a Chad...

If your WN moobment simps and pedastalizes women, it will go nowhere with young White men.

@Starprophet People affiliated with the NJP are either feds looking to entrap idealistic but unwise young dissidents or anti-social urban bugmen so defective they fail to become proper parasites and thus look for political fringe groups who cater to the lowest of society. That and the usual trailer trash, of course.

I have never seen an NJP fag or White-knight Natsoc discuss race realism as Jared Taylor does.

I look forward to when FSE returns.
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