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Test article B14.1 is being sent to Starbase launch site for Chopstick booster catch testing.

@Appalachian_Crusader The jews certainly promoted guys like Jerry Falwell, but their priority was support for Israel and the details of how that came about were incidental provided they didn't generate any real jew awareness - you know, that kikes are unrepentant Christ killers, little problems like that.

But fundamentalism seems like a rearguard action, an attempt to nullify the Enlightenment and revert to a 1500 AD savepoint.

Quite hopeless. Even if you could do without the technology you'd also have to undo the Reformation and reunite the sects.

Neofugue1 was able to see jew academics/antifa laptop vermin behind anonymous handles that claimed being "based" and being "White Southern Christians," without needing to shill test them.

And it was his Christian duty to call out these blue urban sodomites, to emulate what Jesus Christ did to call out the jews.

He would make a great Holy Inquisitor. Don't piss him off.

@Jdogg247 Never saw that one. Club Paradise was one of those summer of ‘86 movies. Between Karate Kid 2, Top Gun, Aliens, Ferris Bueller, Howard The Duck, and Friday the 13th: Jason Lives, I just never got around to seeing that one. :shrug3:

1986 was America’s last great year. The end of our Indian summer. Literally it’s been a descent to hell ever since.
@admin Also Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Platoon, Back to School, The Fly, Little Shop of Horrors, F/X (very underrated), Flight of the Navigator and House.

87 wasn't bad, it had Robocop, Predator, The Untouchables, Full Metal Jacket, Planes, Trains & Automobiles, Evil Dead 2 and Lethal Weapon.
@nosat Dear glow-pigs - this is my official position:

The jews can die for their own homeland and interests. My kids are staying here. The amount of violence I am prepared to preemptively mete-out in defense of this position cannot be properly put to words. Anything is on the table.


Don't come after my kids.
@DemonSixOne @sickburnbro Extremely relevant, especially considering there are equally large fracture lines in Amerikwa
@DemonSixOne @sickburnbro Russian death rates from alcoholism at that time period correspond to current American death rates from narcotic overdoses. Both are deaths of despair afflicting the native stock
singular case of gun violence occured in china this year.

2 guys made their own guns somehow and assassinated a female judge.

first guy is a train technician, lost a divorce battle after finding out his wife cheated on him, orgies while he was away with work, caught in the act, no violence, just a divorce, the kids arent even his. The judge gave his money his house to the wife and gave him the kids(not his).

he looked up previous cases by the same judge, it turns out this judge is some kind of westoid feminist. every single divorce case was unreasonably given over to the female. Recruited a guy who had a similar judgement.

took inspiration from the Abe assassination i believe. now they are figuring out how to reassess all divorce cases.

fucking heroes.
@Rasterman @ArdainianRight ‘Tradwife’ is just shorthand for “I’m fresh from lasering off my tattoos and hosing all the nigger semen out of my snatch, so now I’m off to find a socially right-leaning white man in his 30’s from the Midwest with a stable income”.

Looking at the fall of Stormfront and Social Matter, the first indication of enemy activity is the pedestalization of women. With more and more planks of feminism being added in.

Eventually Stormfront became a coven of feminists.

Social Matter turned into Transsexual Matter, the logical end-point of sexual egalitarianism.

According to mugicha club sodomites, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a bannable offense.

Ship 30 aft STBD fin tile replacement.

(Screenshot from bocachicagal)

A depiction of a sunset on one of the Earth sized planets orbiting the Trappist System.

For those who supported mugicha's antifa ban brigades (a reminder that they targeted Azzmador), don't bitch and complain to me when Elon Musk bans someone on X.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.