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Another aspect of the antifa brigades masquerading as "right wing dissidents," is their relentless blackpilling. Whether they're on Gab, X, or a fedi instance.

Why would you increasingly demoralize your friends when ZOG itself has taken increasing military losses?

Wouldn't it be better to blackpill the supporters of ZOG instead?

I learned that lesson when FSE underwent a hardware failure in its server. So I started my NCD, NAS, Merovingian club fedi accounts on the same day.

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Secondary ablative layer being added to Ship 30. To be under the newer stronger thinner heatshield tiles.

Just so you know.

Matty and Graf can run their instances anyway they want. They can boot anyone off for any reason. And there's nothing wrong with that.

This is true for all fedi instances.

If you can, start your own fedi instance.

Take advantage of the decentralized nature of the fediverse.

A reminder to everyone who follows me.

ALWAYS have multiple fedi accounts. Take advantage of the decentralized nature of the fediverse.

Azzmador was a real honest to God Baptist Christian. He understood the Nicene Creed. He could pass RedPill on Women Questions, just like the real White Southrons in the IRL rural South did.

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The same mugicha antifa activists that used their mobs on Poast to get Neofugue1, DMA, wing_str, SilverDeth jannied off of Poast, and me defederated from Poast… were also the same mob that forced the late Azzmador to delete his Poast account.

They were badjacketing a genuine right-wing dissident. RIP Azzmador.

Bannon going to prison
Trump still under a gag order post-conviction of numerous felonies
Pillow guy‘s business is ruined
Do you think Trump ever lays in bed at night and thinks “maybe I should have crushed my enemies instead of playing footsie with them“?
>do nothing except arrange for surplus artillery shell shipments
>win a strategic great power alliance and security guarantees

Best Korean rocket man has beaten fat orange retard in the negotiation championships

Hey niggas, did you know that I tested the same multiple choice RedPill on Women Questions, and the “is this a woman or a little girl” question with a picture of a woman, to actual men in the IRL Deep South?

Not only did they have no problem answering the questions correctly, it never occurred to them to call these questions “incel” or to engage in pedojacketing.

It’s as if Owl, Doctorsex, Myles Poland, and mugicha have nothing in common with actual right wing American men.


Today is da Juneteenth ‘n sheeeit.

Here’s muh malt likka ‘n KFC fo mah dinnah, yo.

Falcon 9 launch attempt of ASTRA 1P mission coming right up.

The two-hour and 49-minute launch window opens at 5:35 p.m. ET.

The booster will attempt landing on a droneship (most Falcon 9 landings are on droneships)

SpaceX link:

The new 2X stronger heat shield tiles and the new secondary ablative layer are currently being applied to Starship 30 in preparation for test flight 5.

@VaxxSabbath @doctorsex @AmonMaritza @Cough @Rose @Starprophet1 @matty @mjdigspigs @Neofugue1 @wing_str Who started the brigading?

I am curious. Star has almost as many "paid professional haters" as Dread and The Executor. He also developed several systems that would 100% out any kike subversive. (Or their compradors).

He was high on the target list.
@StarProphet @VaxxSabbath @TrevorGoodchild @Cough @wing_str Anyone stupid enough to fall for this is too much of an idiot to follow my timeline.

@Starprophet - "McChristians"... 🤔

That sums it up perfectly. 🧐🥃

@StarProphet It's unceasingly hilarious how Mr. Linder constantly tries to get a rise out of Christians and our little circle somehow manages it without even trying.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.