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@morgthorak Don't spew this TRS cope in my notifications.

White women went up as much as White men went down according to these very tenuous exit polls, so even within their frame it doesn't explain Trump's 'loss.'

He did not lose. The kike teams teamed up and generated as many fake ballots as were required to steal it. If both teams turn against Trump again then he will lose. The esoteric aspect is that the best way to assure Team B abandons him is to make White nationalist arguments, which will generate a thousand times more powerful pushback from the enemy media and which a boomer like Trump cannot possibly carry all the way through to Hitler 2.0.

Current status of Starbase, TX right now.

B14.1 removed from OLM 1 after slap catch test with Chopsticks. Crane attached to Ship QD.

@DMA Soviet nuclear accident, it happened in 1986.

I use it as a metaphor for what the jews fear - breakout.

The high sanhedrins of jew Team A and Team B, the Elders of Zion, are fully aware of the true nature of women. They know that female emancipation kills birthrates.

That’s why their shills, who LARP as right wingers on Fedi, Gab, X, and 4chan, put women on pedestals and blame technology instead.


@db By the time I heard of NRX Moldbug's crypto scam had come and gone and I concluded it was a racket by the jews.
most of these dick-eaters are bitter shitlib faggots who got their shitter shattered by MAGA shitpoasters back on twatter (and irl) during the 2016 election so they think they can infiltrate here now and get their "revenge" lolmao

reminder to them all: while we obvious claim full credit for ALL Trump's W's and his high points, we don't have shit to do with any of his L's which he would've never taken had he continued listening to us

and his brand and popular platform will continue to serve as an excellent repeater station for our propaganda

die mad!

Biden cabal moving against GOOG is like Stalin executing generals in the years before WWII.

Not wise.

It looks like there's some people on fedi who claim to be "American right wingers," but have no clue how guns work.

@petra The WASPs who LARPed as English country gentlemen were stripped of their power by the kikes who gained control over radio and television and stole their entire nation from under their feet.
@StarProphet @DMA
I got lucky and found Annihilation Social. @dcc gets along with everyone.
@JessTheUnstill If all I wanted was to promote fascism I'd register on Twitter, world's biggest megaphone and run by a tranny hater so based he rigged his AI art generator to erase your kind forever.

But I wanted to talk about the perfidy of the kikes, so I wound up here.
@pospi >willingness to accept support from existing elites

That's a funny thing for you to say considering your entire trans identity was invented by corporations.
@judgedread The worst she can do is keep the borders wide open, and cause a permanent state of market panic with her economic policies. She’s not going to invade Iran or directly attack Russia either. As far as hunting down right-wing dissidents, it would take magnitudes more personnel than any administration has to spare, and such actions would risk provoking a domestic uprising against an already weak and barely-tolerated federal government. If they steal it again, expect four more years of government and corporate plunder on the taxpayer, as well as runaway inflation, domestic disasters caused by a collapsing infrastructure, and third-world street crime levels.

Whether they steal it or not is outside my control or any of ours, and Trump or no Trump it won’t change the inevitable conclusion for the 50-state union under the dictates of Washington DC.

B14.1 test tank undergoes booster catch slap testing with the OLM 1 Chopsticks.

Everyday Astronaut video highlights: New Glenn booster engine section. With landing legs and tan colored heat shield blankets.

A closer look at how the landing legs are deployed.

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