@Gonzo17 I like Nicole’s middle design the most.
@shinichihaku You can expand on this. You could also say the way your actions affect others is polarizing; if you're an overwhelming positive force, negative people will take some of your positivity and leave more positive. If you're a negative person people will feel drained from you. Not sure if two negative people equals a positive because you can't take from less. I think math messed up there. I found a better saying; the opposite of the opposite is just the thing itself.
The test is this: if Jews get caught doing something, they're white. Else they're vulnerable Jews.
Think Donald Sterling bitching about his black basketball players. When busted, he was a shining example of white racism. Not Jewish.
Here we have a Jew who has cleaved from whiteness for the purpose of excoriating whites.
Tomorrow he will be white again.
@Ghislaine I'm glad the people on twitter haven't felled under her spell of delusion.
@mackya Conflict of interest is a bitch.
Creative process>consumption
Pattern analyst
Creator of Waifu’s
Slayer of monsters
Aspiring poet