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usa, the most insolvent country in the world. still somehow considered #1 economy. this world is upside down.

@shinichihaku You can expand on this. You could also say the way your actions affect others is polarizing; if you're an overwhelming positive force, negative people will take some of your positivity and leave more positive. If you're a negative person people will feel drained from you. Not sure if two negative people equals a positive because you can't take from less. I think math messed up there. I found a better saying; the opposite of the opposite is just the thing itself.

>Karma is mearly probability. The more you mess with peoples lives, the higher the probability of you messing with the wrong person. Stop messing with peoples lives and your probability goes down.



The test is this: if Jews get caught doing something, they're white. Else they're vulnerable Jews.

Think Donald Sterling bitching about his black basketball players. When busted, he was a shining example of white racism. Not Jewish.

Here we have a Jew who has cleaved from whiteness for the purpose of excoriating whites.

Tomorrow he will be white again.

@Ghislaine I'm glad the people on twitter haven't felled under her spell of delusion.

@Shadowman311 wtf?!
fighting for foreign military should disqualify you from being able to run for US government office.
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