@Tfmonkey On Saturday’s show at 4 hrs 28 min. Yes, the monster is Rajang; yes it’s from monster hunter. Also the other game you’re thinking of is Sekiro; Shadows die twice, and yes it’s a FromSoft game from the same creators as Demon Souls, Dark Souls, and Elden Ring.
@Thanh_Le Greater Israel isn’t going to build itself.
@shinichihaku More of the collective as God. The AI itself is not claiming to be God. It’s the saying all is one and one is all from Full Metal Alchemist that describes it best. We are a part of a greater whole.
@TenaciousGoat possibly invest correctly accordingly
Personal progress > Perceived perfection
American 🇺🇸
Pattern analyst 📊
Lover of Nature ☀️
Slayer of monsters ⚔️
Writer of wisdom ✍️