Fell asleep before the show & missed the first 2.5 hours. Catching up & I wish I had been awake. Halsey's take is pure in-group bullshit.

Ye is not crazy, he's traumatized. With good reason. Jews have played a big part of that trauma despite Halsey's dismissals.

His "handler", his lawyers, accountants, the music, media & fashion industry heads that he directly deals with, and effectively anyone who wields power & influence in his life have been disproportionately Jews.

He's had direct experience with a pattern of Jewish behavior that we've all noticed & has decided to transgress against that pattern.

The specific transgression is that you never talk about the pattern. Ye is exploding that & he's doing it by emulating Christ's example, by making himself a vessel of God's will.

That, and the symbolism of what Ye has said and done is totally lost on atheists and Christians In Name Only, who call him crazy.


But it's clear to Christians. Then the traumas of Job-like experience of loss, betrayal and alienation from every important role in his life makes all of it completely relatable.

I don't see how people can't see it.

Perhaps my own experiences of life-changing loss and betrayal make it clearer to me than to others. Who knows. But there's nothing remotely crazy about it, he's just a really crappy communicator.

Anyway, just wanted to say that I appreciated your take, for seeing beyond the normie optics.

@UncleIroh Yeah, I still think that if Ye had gone down a different rabbit hole and found the reactionary right instead of the alt-right, he would have learned a better model to frame what's happening and how to deal with it.

@VeganBob The irony of you DMing me on Merovingian Club to let me know Merovingian Club works again is not lost on me.

@Tfmonkey Escorts in Kiev!!! Watch out for Nazis and AIDS and Russians!!!!

@Tfmonkey Hey Monkey you should follow youtube.com/@RedactedNews/vide channel. I think they are good source for things west media doesn't tell. Just for recommendation, maybe you already follow them.

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