@Tfmonkey What is your deal about black people??? Every episode you talk about them. Did Jamaul smash you girlfriend or Tyrone stuff you in a locker or something? Maybe you are half black and hate the black side??? Black people take up a lot of airtime 😆


@VeganBob the black community is an observable example of many of the things I commonly talk about. Native Americans are probably also a good example, but most people have never lived close to a Reservation, but most people have lived close to black people, so it links what I talk about to their own lived experiences.

I'm certainly not racist, but I'm also not afraid to talk about race.

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@Tfmonkey Completely agree with black community being a shit hole, but calling them Monkey face or orgs 😆

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Asians are super racist but whites don't like them either. Everyone hates one another just glad that so many people will die of the vaccine. We don't need them. Hopefully 5 billion people die that would be very nice!! More lebensraum for me!!!

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey What do you think about Sigma Males??? It sounds like MGTOW without saying MGTOW...

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