@Tfmonkey What is your deal about black people??? Every episode you talk about them. Did Jamaul smash you girlfriend or Tyrone stuff you in a locker or something? Maybe you are half black and hate the black side??? Black people take up a lot of airtime
@VeganBob the black community is an observable example of many of the things I commonly talk about. Native Americans are probably also a good example, but most people have never lived close to a Reservation, but most people have lived close to black people, so it links what I talk about to their own lived experiences.
I'm certainly not racist, but I'm also not afraid to talk about race.
@Tfmonkey Completely agree with black community being a shit hole, but calling them Monkey face or orgs
@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey What do you think about Sigma Males??? It sounds like MGTOW without saying MGTOW...