Political Values.

The Absolutist (Stability) argument against freedom:

People are dumb. If given freedom, that is, plenty of options, they'll destroy themselves and their communities. Stability is at risk.

The solution:

Eliminate the options, that is, limit freedom. Have a wise king tell people what to do.

YouTube | Is Freedom Actually GOOD For Us? - [Political Philosophy]



@kaiservenom They're not wrong that most people will destroy themselves if given freedom. Look at how people ruin their lives after winning the lottery.

The problem is that they limit EVERYONE'S freedom, including those who wouldn't destroy themselves. It's a form of equality where the strong are kept down for the sake of the weak.

Ironically, it's the weak who demand communism once they have the numbers to impose it, and it's stability-folks who enable the weak to multiply in the first place.

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