@Tfmonkey tfm, you literally do a podcast with a jew, just point to him and go "his people control the money supply"

@Tfmonkey TFM: I saw this idea being put out on Twitter that the WEF and Bill Gates are devising schemes to transmit mRNA through the food supply. Particularly by injection into livestock, for slaughter, and through "shedding" have the mRNA transmitted to consumers.
Perhaps, it will not survive the cooking process, and once the hose dies, the mRNA dies with it, but is there any merit to this idea?
Thanks in advance and Happy New Year!

@sardonicsmile From what I understand, the mRNA has to spread via bodily fluids, so as long as the meat is properly cooked, you should be fine. However, you'll have to eat your steaks well-done from that point on, which might be a fate worse than death.

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