
You've heard me talk about how the Civil War ended the America the Founding Fathers established, and Razorfist provides the sources and the details.

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@Tfmonkey @Tfmonkey Razorfist convinced me that lincoln was a fascist tyrant and now after all this time he created a fuck Lincoln manifesto. Young me would ask, "why was Lincoln assassinated." Modern me would answer, "for the same reason all tyrants deserve to die."
@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey After seeing that video I reflexively said out loud JWB should've shot Lincoln twice.

@Tfmonkey TFM I am not a troll, I know you hate me. The more I read about thr history of Yugoslavia the more I believe we would have Balkinazed much earlier. All these people had very similar cultures, languages etc let's put them in one country and all the individual cultures will have automony. Serbs, Croats etc. Look at what happened nationalism genocide war after war fuckiery. US had the same shit Whisky rebellion, bleeding Kansas etc. If South won we would Balkinize in the 1880s..

@Tfmonkey I was speaking with a "coworker" about origins of the Civil War; he claimed Russia was loosely involved; I forgot how he explained this; something about providing aid to The South? Is this true?

@Tfmonkey Hi, Monky, there's a commentary from a guy who suggests that Razor might not have all facts straight on this one and might be reading too much into several quotes without proper context. I'm no historian but he provides some pretty convincing arguments. Then again, they both sound convincing since I know jack shit about the topic myself.

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