So a guy lost in court and has to make a trans cake even though it goes against his beliefs.

Can someone explain to me why religious freedom doesn't hold up here?


Because a bakery is a public facing business and not a religious institution. He could have just outsourced the cake to someone else or made a shitty cake and called it a day.

The civil rights act prevents businesses from discriminating, which is why Goldwater opposed it in the 60s and was called a racist.


It all makes sense now!

They been used race to take power. It's like the OG BLM.

If you have any books you'd recommend on real history please share.

As a product of public school I always knew something was up but this is insane. They don't even MENTION the opposing viewpoint! It's so fake and gay!

Btw I googled Goldwater and he was talking about the welfare state in the 60s?! If he saw it coming that early then were really screwed.

@basedbagel just look up "cultural marxism" and the Frankfurt School, or watch this documentary from the 90s.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

I always had a feeling things didn't add up, I just didn't realize the rabbit hole went so deep.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey @basedbagel @Tfmonkey Red pill is appropriate in another sense when you see how the communists are fucking everywhere and infested every institution, starting with academia.
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