Book recommendation.

When TFM says that Feminism came from Christianity and not the Jews, he's right. More accurately, it's Protestantism.

This book has ALL the receipts - names, dates, personal stories.

"Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation" by Rachel Wilson.

Highly recommended and an easy read at 125 pages. I read it in a day.

@UncleIroh to be fair, I think that even if Christianity never took off, we would still have a similar ideology fillings it's shoes with a different name.

The values of equality vs stability vs freedom can be observed in ancient China during the warring states period between Confusiousism, Taoism, and Mohism.

History is a endless struggle between those who have power, want power, and want to be left alone.

>History is a endless struggle between those who have power, want power, and want to be left alone.

Agreed, and everyone tries it. But when it comes to Feminism in particular, nowhere else has ever maintained it for as long as The West. I don't believe it's possible anywhere else. The proof is history itself.

We've had 150 years of Feminism and it's proven to be the mightiest of all destructive forces that can be unleashed on a society, not even nuclear bombs are as powerful.


@UncleIroh True. Japan rebuilt after the bomb fell, but they're going extinct thanks to Feminism.

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