i remember countless time where i ask God to just give me that, the only thing i wanted was her, or if i could not have her then, give me something close to her...

nothing, other man had her and her clones, i remember a dream i had confirming that believes that, god really did not care, she was been passed by every guy out there, and God was simply laughing at me.

i remember waking up punching the bed and cying...

part 2.


@RodrickSage the version of her you had in your mind is surely better than the actual person you had a crush on. That's often how infatuation works. We fall in love with our imagination. She was essentially a waifu in your mind with a real world equivalent, but those two people were never the same. The waifu in your mind was what you loved and you projected that waifu onto her.

The trick is that your waifu still exists in your mind and we have sex dolls and AI waifus now, so go live the dream.

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