@Tfmonkey on your Wednesday show you say that when white ppl have had enough they would do the thing and not stop there, also that if the south raises again they would win against THE BIG GAE, but I completely disagree, the whites/south dont have the balls to fight brutally and mercilessly as the left, it would be a replay of the civil war 2.0 again, where the north raped and pillage and the south played by the rules and mostly defended. I hope I am overlooking something?


@37712 The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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@Tfmonkey @37712 @Tfmonkey @37712 i think about it this way. We're fringe, right? But whether or not one identifies as a mgtow, men "checking out" continues to happen and this issue is becoming more noticeable.

So if feminism and gynocentrism in politics, culture, and law is driving men toward a mgtow mentality, where is anti-white bigotry, leniency for non-white criminals, and a double standard on racial conflict in society going to drive white people?
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