I was talking to a female recently about Disney movies we enjoyed as kids, and she admitted that she's never seen Pocahontas or Hunchback of Notre Dame because the female characters weren't white.

So all this "muh representation" nonsense is all because women lack the ability to think abstractly.

@Tfmonkey Yes indeed. Did you know that many black males love Dragon Ball Z? And in all of Dragon Ball, there is little black representation (General Black is one of the few and Mr. Popo is "black" but not African).

I also talked extensively about Naruto with a black guy, as he was a huge fan. And there may be some darker skinned characters there, but hard to say that they would be "black."


@houseoftolstoy Anime is a good example of how nobody cared about representation until girls starting entering the community.

I'm just connecting the dots. Girls' inability to think abstractly prevents them from seeing characters that don't look like them as them, which is why everything must be woke and diverse.

It's all due to women being stupid and their lack of abstract thinking.

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@Tfmonkey Should have included this image before, as it is highly relevant:

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