I've found that most racists, sexist, whatever-phobes don't actually hate people for being people, they hate shitty people who do shitty things that are completely understandable to hate them for.

It's just that a lot of shitty people aren't white men.

@Tfmonkey The Monkey finally got it now how the Juicews are put in this category riddle me that Monkey


I disagree, most are just mentally ill losers looking for a scapegoat.

For example, try telling a jootard any solution that doesn't involve a race war and they will sperg out and make shit up.

They don't really care about what they do as much as they care about having safe target to for their neurosis.

Look at @VeganMGTOW

Noone said SHIT about jews but here he goes with the nonsense.

Mark my words you'll regret saying this.

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey It's clearly both. There's folks that get labeled an -ist for having grievances against a non-white person. There's folks that get labeled an -ist for having legit grievances against an entire culture. And there's folks that are undoubtedly an -ist because they're weak people looking for someone else to blame for their problems.



I agree but based on my experience I think most are just weak people.

And it annoys me because They just waste your time and poison discourse.

You cant even have an adult conversation talk about the obvious crime problem in the black community without these dumbass people screaming about their race war.

And then we all get lumped in together with these Nutcases and dismissed by the left.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey The left is going to demonize you no matter what. Don't worry about giving them ammo unless you're a politician yourself.

But poisoning discourse...ya. Prof. Ed Dutton just did a video about decoupling, the mental ability to separate your logic from your emotions. There's tons of people saying this is a central issue in their lives: they want intellectual conversations but can't find people that decouple well. I seriously understand but don't have a solution.


@philosophy @basedbagel The internet has made it easier for exceptional people to form virtual communities whereas such would be next to impossible in person due scarcity.

Sadly, highly unemotional and intellectual people tend to be misogynists for entirely objective reasons, and that's a no-no on social media.

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