@Tfmonkey Take this with whatever size you want your salt but I find this to be a good illustration that, even if men don't know about MGTOW, they can get the philosophy by knowing better.

TL-DR: Girlfriend in a 2 years relationship goes to a work conference, mentions getting a "free pass". Boyfriend agrees. Two days later, he vanishes completely.

@Wopu @Tfmonkey

He figured it out. That relationship was dead already.

@amerika @Wopu @Tfmonkey he got the message:

"I am a whore and will cheat on you but I am tired of hiding it"

he understood the consequences and took the best course of aciton.

@37712 @amerika @Wopu I wouldn't have quit my job and ghosted, but I understand why someone would. He just wanted a clean break and didn't want to deal with her "I'm sorry/You're a jerk!" drama after she got dumped

@Tfmonkey @amerika @Wopu
just remember, if he had stayed it would have gone down like this


@37712 @amerika @Wopu They say they're sorry when you dump them. It's really just a shit test.

Women are as good or bad as men allow them to be.

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