Hot take: It's not cheating if your wife refuses to fuck you or if she's over 25 pounds heavier than when you 1st met

@basedbagel marital rape wasn't a crime until the 1990s in the US.


I had to look that up because I couldn't believe it but you're right it was that recent but it was legal until 1993... That's crazy!

Refusing to fuck your husband and still expecting to be provided for is like not showing up to work but expecting your employer to pay you anyway.

That's not now things work and you have to be morally bankrupt\retarded to think so.

I'm not a proponent of raping your wife but...

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey @basedbagel @Tfmonkey not a big fan of marital rape. id rather use infidelity as a punishment/motivator. it perfectly reasonable to stray if she wont fuck you for some stupid reason.

@PapaPole @basedbagel Women like being dominated. They were made to be ruled.

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