@zebuceta @Tfmonkey @dander I understand that safety comes before anything else but it feels wrong to just apply a label to an entire group of people I don't know maybe it's just me maybe I'm just naive I don't know

@VooDooMedic @zebuceta @dander Just look at the crime statistics. About 5% of white people are criminals while 30% of black people are criminals. That's a HUGE difference and it's stupid to deny black crime or the risk of black crime out of fear of being racist.

However, 30% is still a minority. That means 70% of black people are fine. The fact that black crime is 5X worse than crime is insane, but it's still only 30%.

Imagine if all white people were judged by the actions of Florida Man?

@Tfmonkey @zebuceta @dander what actually started the epidemic of the glorification of crime and bullshit I understand that you posit that it was the welfare dependence along with the Mafia takeover but is there anything more that you could think of

@VooDooMedic @zebuceta @dander It was the fall of the Italian mob in the 60s combined with the welfare dependence during the same decade.

In fact, the videogame Mafia 3 which takes place in the 60s, actually follows the fall of the Italians and the rise of the black gangs.

@Tfmonkey @zebuceta @dander I'll check it out if I have some time that sounds interesting


@VooDooMedic @zebuceta @dander There is also the series "Godfather of Harlem" which is about how the black gangs took the city from the Italian mafia.

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