@Tfmonkey Hey, long time viewer just wanted to cross reference something that Alex (PWF) swears he never misled you on. I accused him of misleading you into debates on his streams in the past and he says these emails he provided me prove that he didn't mislead you. Personally don't believe him, but I want to get it from you as well since it matters to me. I wanted his side (benefit of the doubt), and I also would like your side for clarity. Thanks in advance.

@Ness2000 I said I didn't want a debate and Destiny pulled debate tactics and I was left twisting in the wind being told I was "owned" while he did nothing.

@Tfmonkey Do yo think that maybe Destiny was also misled about the nature of the 'discussion/debate' panel too? It's definitely more possible that Destiny came into it trying to debate you, but I've seen him be reasonable even with 'dissidents'. Like how Halsey said he was about the only popular lefty that could actually have a good faith talk with. Either way, I felt really bad for you when you had to justify analogies with examples, and then justify your examples, in a DISCUSSION..


@Ness2000 At any point Alex could have stepped in and vouched for me that I didn't want to debate, but he just sat there and watched it happen until I was tired of having my time wasted and left.

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@Tfmonkey Thank you for your time, and your side of the story. Also, thanks for redpilling me years ago, Godspeed.

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